Friday, February 02, 2007

3rd Assignment- Copying A Random Table

In my third assignment I was asked to copy another table that my teacher made. It had randomn words and pictures in different places. Some were placed in the table cells upside down, some were to the right, some were at the bottom, etc. They were all in the font arial and it used backgound colours and shading. The cells were sometimes split and sometimes merged. I learnt to put the table cells in proportion to the original. I found it hard to fit everything on one page, though. I found that this task too a lot longer than I hoped it would and I couldn't figure out how to make the lines, that defined the outlines of the table, darker. I hope that I don't have to do it again.


Luifer said...

It seems boring, but still pretty!

Luifer said...

You like pink ha? Cool!